About Our Show


Exhibition Name WELL-BEING TECHNOLOGY 2025
Date  January 29 (Wed.) - 31 (Fri. ), 2025
Site Tokyo Big Sight East Hall
Junji Watanabe
NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 人間情報研究部 感覚共鳴グループ 上席特別研究員
資生堂 みらい開発研究所 グループマネージャー
Takeshi Ando
Director, Robotics Promotion Office, Panasonic Holdings
Hironori Ishikawa
NTTドコモ 6Gネットワークイノベーション部 / 慶應義塾大学 大学院 メディアデザイン研究科 特任教授
Isomura Shota
応用脳科学コンソーシアム / エヌ・ティ・ティデータ経営研究所 ニューロ・コグニティブ・イノベーションユニット マネージャー
Takashi Okuma
産業技術総合研究所 人間拡張研究センター 総括研究主幹
Sho Takano
Associate Professor, Fukui Prefectural University / Director, Society of Well-being
Yoshihiro Tanaka
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology / Fellow, Inamori Research Institute for Science
Yosuke Muramatsu
Executive Director, Robot Friendly Asset Promotion Association
Supported by Society of Well-being
Robot Friendly Asset Promotion Association
Consortium for Applied Neuroscience
Concurrent Exhibitions
  • neo funtional material2024
  • 3DECOtech 2024


Focusing on creating industries that create an environment of"wellbeing"

This is an exhibition of products and services that contribute to "well-being," a concept that is attracting increasing attention at a time when people's consumption behavior, work styles, and values are diversifying. From the viewpoints of science, including engineering and chemistry, technologies for realizing a wellbeing environment will be gathered.


A place for business co-creation and communication in different industries and professions

In order to realize a "well-being" society that cannot be expressed in a single index, the co-creation of many players across industries and occupations is indispensable. Focusing on "environment creation" for well-being, this exhibition will provide a venue for collaboration and communication among people involved in business development, product development, and design in a wide range of industries, from materials, space design, sensing technology, and robotics, as well as a place to "meet" with people, organizations, and technology. The exhibition will provide a place for collaboration and communication among people, organizations, and technologies involved in business development, product development, and design in a wide range of industries.


Exhibition Theme

A Better Society through Materials and ICT

We consider well-being to be "Living in comfort and abundance". The conditions for well-being cannot be expressed in a single indicator. It can be achieved through the interaction of a variety of factors. We have high expectations for new products and services that are the result of co-creation with many players beyond the boundaries of industry, as well as for the technologies that make them a reality.
Focusing on "environment creation" for well-being, this exhibition will serve as a venue for collaboration among product and service developers from various industries, ranging from materials and space design to sensing technology and robotics, to contribute to the realization of a well-being society. We will contribute to the realization of a well-being society.

See the exhibitor's target

”Printing, Coating, Laminating, Slitting" Converting Machinery / Technology Exhibition

An exhibition of equipment and materials related to "coating, pasting, and cutting" that support converting technology. Converting technology plays a fundamental role in the manufacturing process of not only components for smartphones and displays, but also in new energy fields such as smart houses and smart grids. CONVERTECH is an exhibition that proposes solutions for the creation of new value and the challenges faced by manufacturing sites from the production side.

See the exhibitor's target

New Value Generating Functional Materials

In order to keep up with the fierce catch-up from overseas markets, it is necessary to constantly create new "value" and "function" to compete with them. neo functional material" proposes materials that realize the value demanded by the market, along with the trends of the time.

See the exhibitor's target

MONOZUKURI for "People, Society, and the Earth"

Rather than simply pursuing human affluence, we are now required to manufacture products in consideration of the global environment. We propose not only environmentally friendly materials, but also production process technologies that contribute to the realization of a circular economy, and platforms for collaboration among companies.

See the exhibitor's target

Specialized in the Decoration Technologies that Create New Value through the Fusion of Ornamentation and Function

The value of an object depends not only on its design, but also on a wide range of factors such as visual, tactile, and usability qualities, as well as the attachment that is born from these qualities. 3DECOtech is an exhibition of technologies and materials that add design and functionality to products. In addition to the dissemination of information on techno-trends, end users, designers and brand strategists will be invited to discuss the creation of attractive products.

See the exhibitor's target